The Tasmanian National Science Week Coordinating Committee would like to invite you to apply for seed funding to run a public event, activity or program in National Science Week. Event holders may apply for up to $500 (GST incl.) each. These grants are designed to encourage organisations and businesses that rely on science, engineering or…
Month: March 2017
Grants available in NT
The National Science Week coordinating committee in the Northern Territory is providing grants of up to $3000 to support events in the NT. A total of $15 000 is available. Selection criteria The proposed projects must comply with the following criteria: Be consistent with the NT’s National Science Week objectives: the objective of Science Week in the NT…
Grants available in Queensland
The Queensland National Science Week Coordinating Committee have grants of up to $2000 for Science Week events, as well as a grant of up to $10 000 for an organisation to stage the launch of National Science Week in the state. Event grants The Committee offers annual seed grants for activities undertaken during National Science Week….
Windy Joules measures your renewables
The school theme for National Science Week 2017 is Future Earth with a focus on Australia’s sustainability science and issues that are unique to Australia and the region. Farmers across Australia are choosing to invest in on-farm renewable energy sources to cut costs and reduce reliance on electricity providers. A Queensland potato grower says switching…