Today’s poem is from Law & Impulse: maths & chemistry poems, published by The Poets Union. Gerry Jacobson Geotanka walking past a pile of rocks glinting in morning sunlight only I know it’s calc-silicate hornfels of Ordovician age dark hidden outcrop by the lake – Silurian limestone – lingering remnant of the Limestone Plains imprint…
Month: August 2018
Science Takes Centre Stage at South Bank in Brisbane
During National Science Week, the team in the Science Week national office get out and about to see as many events as we can around the country, meet the dedicated teams behind the events, and be wowed by the creativity and passion that we see. Last weekend, one of our team members went to Brisbane…
Science Poem of the Day #5
Today’s poem is from Earthly Matters: biology & geology poems, published by The Poets Union. Annamaria Weldon Petrichor Petrichor, scent of first rainfall on rock, sedge, sand and trees along this salt-marsh shore of flooded gums, layers of eucalypt oil rinsed free releasing its high-pitched tang. Lower, sultry odours of soaked bark, full throat-catching cyanobacterial…
Escaping With Science
Every year, National Science Week brings together a wide variety of events and topics in the celebration of science. One of the unique events this year is a surprisingly scientific pop-up escape room which has launched in Canberra exclusively for Science Week 2018. Escape rooms are thrilling real-life adventure games where participants race to solve…
Little Scientists are a Big Part of Science Week
Young children are naturally curious and passionate about learning. They explore, question and experiment as they discover and wonder about everything around them. This makes science a wonderful complement to a child’s curiosity, and National Science Week offers many opportunities for young scientists to learn and explore. One such event that allows little learners to…
Science Poem of the Day #4
Today’s poem is from Holding Patterns: physics & engineering poems, published by The Poets Union. Tricia Dearborn Everything we’re made of comes from earth; we cry, returning borrowed salt; we give our bone and muscle back to the earth to suck, as ash, as rotting flesh: that calcium atom in your skull — star-fired, congealed…
A Merging of Science and the Performing Arts
Each year, National Science Week is celebrated with a wide variety of event styles and approaches sharing the stories of science, and sometimes incorporating different or unusual projects. As STEM continually evolves so too do science engagement opportunities and practice. Science and technology as a part of the performing arts is an engagement opportunity that…
Celebrating Australia’s Women in STEM
Who do you imagine when you think of an engineer, scientist, or mathematician? If you’d been asked that forty years ago, it’s pretty likely that you wouldn’t have pictured a woman. Times (and stereotypes) are changing, but still women make up just 16% of Australians qualified in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), according…
Science Poem of the Day #3
Today’s poem is from Law & Impulse: maths & chemistry poems, published by The Poets Union. Magdalena Ball 10 digits of e tracing the slope of your tangent around a bell curve the irrationality of your decimal expansions left me breathless there was no room for doubt in the ice of your bedroom and watched…
Cheeky Neurons Build Neural Networks
It was a busy few days in a bustling building full of fun and exciting science at Canberra’s Science in ACTion science fair. We saw everything from Daleks, slime, fossils and snakes come by us and we heard there was even a piece of Mars in the building! For the last two days Cheeky Neurons,…