New South Wales will be celebrating National Science Week online in August in light of restrictions to public gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Expressions of Interest for support of up to $5000 for innovative online programs are now being sought until Monday 27 April. With so many STEM providers, creative practitioners and contractors affected…
Month: April 2020
ACT Seed Grants Available 2020
The ACT National Science Week committee are excited to announce the launch of their seed grants for 2020. This year National Science Week in the ACT will be going online and staying remote due to COVID-19 restrictions. We are seeking applications for creative and engaging events that can take place either online or at home…
2020 Unsung Hero Awards of South Australian Science
The Unsung Hero Awards of South Australian Science are a joint initiative of National Science Week SA and the Australian Science Communicators SA (ASCSA), and are administered by National Science Week SA. For many years, there was only one award, but the winner was often somebody who was as notable for science communication as for…
Queensland Seed Grants 2020 v2.0
This year National Science Week in Queensland will go online in light of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions to public gatherings expected to extend through to late 2020. The Queensland National Science Week Coordinating Committee are now seeking expressions of interest for innovative online events and opportunities* that can be delivered during or close to National Science…