Do you have the sense to adapt, survive and thrive in this learning environment?
This year for National Science Week, our staff and senior students will again run engaging activities related to this year’s topic of “Survival of the Species: more than just sustainability”.
Activities will run across two 30-minute lunch breaks with Reception to year 9 participants. Our biology lab will be utilized, and activities will be set up in stations around the lab. Stations will show students how animal adaptations help them, fly, eat, and stay warm and dry.
Students can learn about how plants use different methods to spread their seeds to survive. They will learn how natural selection works using the peppered moth simulation and how animals use their senses of sight, smell and taste to survive and thrive. These topics will be interactively demonstrated with a range of stem build activities and models, computer simulations, microscope and magnifying lens observation and games. For example, for “How do ducks stay dry?" students will colour paper ducks with wax crayons, spray them with water and watch the water roll off. It will
also use magic sand (hydrophobic sand), to demonstrate how ducks go underwater and come up dry.
All stations will have an info card and either a science teacher or senior science student to help supervise, demonstrate and explain key concepts.
School Biology Laboratory