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Davidson High School Science Fair

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  • Davidson High School
    Mimosa St, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086, Australia

This will be our second Science Fair with the aim of hosting the same event each year. This event presents a chance for our students to showcase and celebrate the excellent science work completed this year. Students from year 7 to 10 will present their depth study, models and innovations for judging by teachers and members of the local community.

 Our science fair will create an ideal opportunity for students, teachers, family and the community to connect. Science prizes will be donated by local businesses. Primary school students from three different schools will be invited to attend. Student leaders will run an interactive workshop. 

The Science Fair will be held on Monday during National Science Week on 12 August. Students will set up the experiment and display during period 1 and 2. Primary school students will rotate through the classes ran by student leaders during period 3 and 4. It will be exciting for students to see and experience innovations in science by doing hands on experiment.
