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Biodiversity, Bilbies and Battling Extinction

  • - (AEST)
  • The Strangers' Dining Room, Parliament of New South Wales
    6 Macquarie St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

Office of the NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer, Science and Research Breakfast Seminar Series

With Professor Carolyn Hogg, The University of Sydney
Human activity is dramatically changing the biodiversity of our planet, with over one million species currently under threat of extinction. To solve this problem, science is turning to technology to assess the impacts of humanity on the natural world.

Over the past decade, the development of genomic tools for conservation management has rapidly accelerated. Once considered a ‘nice to have’, genetic data is fast becoming an essential tool for managing threatened species. However, using this data for decision-making and monitoring remains beyond the reach of most managers and conservation biologists.

In May 2020, Professor Carolyn Hogg launched the Threatened Species Initiative, a program designed to generate genomic resources for Australia’s threatened species. It aims to teach the conservation community how to use genomic tools and new technologies for management actions.

Carolyn will use case studies of the bilby and Tasmanian devil to highlight her systematic approach to integrating genomics into species recovery through collaborations between different scientific disciplines, government agencies, conservation organisations and ‘big tech’ companies.
