In 2013, 192 schools around Australia were successful in receiving grants from the Australian Science Teachers’ Association (ASTA) to hold science activities during National Science Week – 15 of these were from Tasmania!
This year, schools can apply for grants of up to $700 from ASTA to help them conduct science activities at their school or in their community during National Science Week, 16 – 24 August 2014.
This year’s schools theme for National Science Week is “Food for Our Future – Science Feeding the World” and you can get some activity ideas from ASTA.
How to Apply: Apply online.
Key Dates: Applications opened on Monday 3 March and will close on Monday 28 April. Note no late applications can be accepted. Successful applicants will be notified by Monday 19 May – to allow plenty of planning time prior to National Science Week.
Funded Activities: Successful applicants will be asked to list their events on the National Science Week website and complete a brief report outlining their activities that may be used for publication in STATIC, the quarterly newsletter of the Tasmanian Science Teachers’ Association.
Media: Successful applicants will be assisted with promotion of their event/s by the Tasmanian National Science Week Media Manager.
Queries: Please email.