The 2015 grant round has a total value of $500 000. Grants may be awarded between $2000 and $25 000. National Science Week will be held from 15 – 23 August in 2015 (we also have set the dates for 2016-2018).
The grant selection committee will be looking for innovative ideas that help engage new audiences in a wide range of locations in different facets of science, technology, maths and engineering. Partnerships are held in high regard, as is co-investment that leverages the value of the grant funds.
The school theme for 2015 is Making waves – the science of light, based on the International Year of Light. Projects in this main grant round do not have to be based on the school theme.
The 2015 Grant Guidelines have the same eligibility, criteria and funding restrictions as this year. Among other things, projects must be science engagement events, be held in National Science Week and must not include requests for the grant to fund internal salary, project management, capital items or catering.
Here is a grant funding agreement template – your organisation needs to be comfortable with the standard clauses in the agreement before you apply. We also have a sample application for a simple National Science Week project, as well as FAQs.
We also have some tips for applicants – they will help you write a better application. The key message is that each year about 10% of the applications are ineligible, and less than half of the eligible ones receive any funding.
The round will be open for applications from 0900 AEST, Wednesday 1 October to 1600 AEDT, Thursday 23 October. You must start entering your application at least an hour before the grant round closes.
Good luck!