We’re pleased to announce that this year our Clubhouse Members will be participating in National Science Week activities.
This year, our Clubhouse Members will host a stall at Science in ACTion, a two-day festival at the Kingston Bus Depot Markets, engaging audiences of all ages in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Our involvement in this event is generously sponsored by the ACT National Science Week Steering Committee.
The event was a huge success last year, and will combine the energy and excitement of National Science Week in one location.
We’ve also submitted a grant application to run our own event during the week.
Our hope is to host two workshops facilitated by the ACT LittleBits Chapter Leader and Computer Clubhouse Mentor, Dale Rogers. The purpose of the workshops is to create interactive wearable fashion using LittleBits technology.
We look forward to keeping you posted on the outcome of our grant application!
The YWCA Computer Clubhouse is a high tech digital studio based at Richardson Primary School where Tuggeranong youth collaborate with industry mentors to design, create, and pursue their passions.
Guest blog post by YWCA Computer Clubhouse.