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Hands-on Science Workshop

  • - (AWST)
  • Byford Library
    858 S Western Hwy, Byford WA 6122, Australia, Byford WA 6122, Australia

Celebrate National Science Week by getting hands-on with science!


To celebrate National Science Week 2024, Inspiring Australia, SJ Shire has partnered with Supersonic Science to provide the Hands-on Science Workshop.

Join us as we perform the following experiments:

  • Bubbleology – exploring surface tension!
  • Instant Snow – discover superabsorbent polymers (packaged on the day for each attendee to take home)
  • Supersonic Slime – play with non-Newtonian fluids (packaged on the day for each attendee to take home)
  • Vortex Cannons – watch the wonders of fluid dynamics
  • Elephants Toothpaste – marvel at a dramatic demonstration of exothermic reactions
  • Burning Bubbles – (demonstration and dependent on safety requirements)


This one-hour session is best-suited for ages 6 and older.
