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Rewilding Walk for Families

  • - (AEST)
  • Bundanon
    170 Riversdale Road, Illaroo NSW 2540, Australia
Use all your senses to discover which plants, birds, mammals, insects and reptiles live here at Bundanon.
For National Science Week join Melissa Mylchreest, author of Rewilding Kids Australia, to explore the wild and wonderful plants and animals of Bundanon.
Melissa Mylchreest is a designer, illustrator and author whose work ranges across books, illustrations, magazines, maps, websites and more. With a deep interest in nature and an explorer’s spirit, she brings a blend of creativity, education, mindfulness, fun and adventure to each new project.
Please wear sturdy walking shoes and outdoor attire including a hat. 
Location Information

Meet Point: Art Museum Forecourt, Bundanon