The ACT National Science Week Coordinating Committee are excited to announce our wonderful array of grant recipients for 2022.
We had a large amount of applications this year from many worthwhile candidates and we are pleased to report that we will be supporting 17 events for National Science Week.
The events cater to a wide range of audiences and cover various areas of STEM. There is something for everyone to take part in this Science Week:
Spring STEM in the Community Workshop Series
Australian School of Entrepreneurship
Fun workshops where participants will identify a local, community problem and brainstorm an innovative STEM based solution to solve it. Additionally a glass masterclass will be delivered by our facilitators at the start of each session. Participants will learn that glass is one of the world’s most sustainable packaging options, made from natural ingredients and can be recycled multiple times.
Scratch for Seniors Workshop
Thomas McCoy
This activity is intended to continue building a “Scratch” community of seniors in the ACT region.The workshop first shows people how Scratch works and then allows them to create their own project.Scratch is an incredible self-expression system that’s used by more than 70 million men and women worldwide and lets them produce amazing, colourful, musical, moving creations just by fitting multi-coloured blocks together with the mouse.
Walks and Talks
Yu-Ying Luo
A series of walks and talks that combine interacting with a researcher with being in nature. The event will consist of a half hour talk from an early-career researcher followed by a guided nature walk. The event will finish with an opportunity to talk to the researchers, ask them questions, and look at displays that demonstrate their area of study.
Croke Place Bio-Blitz
Ginninderra Catchment Group
A citizen science activity where participants will identify and record the existing species found across the site – including plants, birds, frogs and insects. We will draw on the knowledge of scientific experts for ID and survey design and record our findings. The event will include guided walks of the local site to showcase the local biodiversity and provide guidance and opportunities for people to maximise biodiversity at home.
Game Plus Fest 2022
Game Plus
Game Plus Fest is a fun, engaging, hands-on day for the community to learn about game development, VR and innovative technologies. The event will enable people of all ages to get a better understanding of the role STEM plays in our lives with exciting new technology they can experience firsthand and the chance to meet people working in these fields.
Dark Matter in the Pub
ARC Centre of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics
An enticing show that delves into the physics of the most mysterious substance in the universe. Featuring talks, anecdotes, comedy, and demonstrations by researchers who are currently studying dark matter, in the casual and inclusive environment of Smith’s Alternative.
Electricky: Using electricity for than just turning on a switch
The Centre of Excellence for Innovations in Peptide and Protein Science
A fun way to showcase the power of electrochemistry and how we can use electro-synthesis to make important molecules. The event will include an interactive activity, followed by a talk and further demonstrations. This will spark an interest in electrochemistry and show that electricity is more than just turning on appliances and can be used in the lab to make new molecules.
What Makes You Unique – Science Storytelling with a Twist
Giggly Wiggly Balloons
What Makes You Unique – Science Storytelling with a Twist is a book reading based on the book, “What Makes You Unique”, written by PhD-trained molecular biologist, Dr Chloe Lim, who is also a professional balloon artist. Using the magic of balloon twisting, this show is a fun way to learn about DNA, creating a fun and memorable learning experience for children to learn more about how their body works.
Canberra Kids SecuriDay 2022
Kids SecuriDay
SecuriDay is all about introducing youth to technology and security, and its importance in their everyday lives. Reaching people from all areas of the community who want to expand their knowledge, as the goal is to learn about technology and security, be inspired, and have fun while doing it. Whether you’re new to tech or an old hand, everyone is guaranteed to learn something new.
Claire Harris
Canberra Women of Science and Art (Subtitle: Science, Tech, Art #2022)
Canberra Women of Science and Art will showcase a diverse group of Canberra women and girls working in/creating science, tech, engineering, art and maths (STEAM) through hands-on workshops. The workshops will demonstrate science-tech-art skills, processes and ideas in a supportive and fun environment.
Eccles Institute of Neuroscience
An event for you and your brain, join us for some exciting neuroscience themed demonstrations, as well as short talks from neuroscience researchers. You will have the chance to learn about the nervous system and brain, as well neuroscience research and neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s Disease. In the evening you can take part in a live discussion panel that will cover some of the more complex themes and concepts in neuroscience.
Experiment in STEM with Robogals Canberra
Robogals Canberra
A fun event to engage young Canberrans with hands-on science. Over three sessions, we will run experiments covering diverse STEM themes including chromatography, projectile motion and DNA. This is an opportunity to engage with science in a fun and tangible way.
Rapid Rounds of Rowdy Science
Science Alliance with ACT Down Syndrome
Science Alliance is composed entirely of people with disabilities, and we aim to empower people with disabilities. Our event this year is called Rapid Rounds of Rowdy Science, a series of short online presentations presented each day of National Science Week, with a grand finale on the last day. Each short presentation will show the steps needed to undertake a fun experiment while explaining the science that it demonstrates.
Science Mayhem: Series of Science Outreach events
ANU Students Association (ANUSA), Joint College of Science (JCOS) Representatives on behalf of ANU Student-organised National Science Week
Science Mayhem is a multi-day science festival hosted on the ANU campus. The event will include a fair with a variety of stalls offering food, science activities and stores run by ANU STEM societies of various disciplines (biology, chemistry, earth science and more). There will also be a Stargazing Soiree run in conjunction with the ANU Astronomy society. And one evening will feature a science in the pub style event where academics will present a topic of their choosing in 7 minutes to an audience located in a pub.
Patricia Wang-Zhao
The STEM expo is a collaborative event showcasing the projects of STEM university students and STEM affiliated societies and will demonstrate what it’s like to study STEM through interactive workshops. The goal is to expose students who are considering studying STEM to the projects that students can work on, the technology and equipment that they would get to work with as well as what it’s like day-to-day.
Fungi Film Festival and Mushroom Farm Tour
Fungi Co
A series of film nights, showcasing the amazing world of fungi, including the role of fungi in our ecosystems and recent advances in mushroom science research. With a guest mycologist attending for a Q&A session after the film, the event will be preceded by a tour of the new mushroom farm.
The Sex on the Beach Science Show
Alice Ryder
What happens when you combine David Attenborough’s gravitas with Barry White’s sex appeal and a giant vat of slime? You get the Sex on the Beach Science Show! Prepare to dive deep inside the fascinating world of animal reproduction in the ocean. Cheer on a flat-worm penis-fencing competition, see what great human snogging techniques tell us about shark sex, and never look at Finding Nemo the same way again in this free, lighthearted show that will have you giggling more than three Sex on the Beach cocktails.