The ACT National Science Week coordinating committee is thrilled to announce our 2019 seed grant recipients. We were overwhelmed with the number of exciting event applications for this year and are pleased to fund 14 different events that will help bring Science Week in the ACT to life.
A big congratulations to all the successful applicants.
GIRT Scientific Diver training: Dive into an ocean full of history
A training event for GIRT members to ‘adopt-a-wreck’ that is of interest to them and agree to monitor the site using the GIRT documentation methodology at least once a year.
Science Society ANU: National Science Week at ANU
This will be a three day event featuring a Women in STEM discussion panel, a ‘Science Market Day’ and a science bonfire.
ANU Biology Society: Science Soapbox
An informal speaker event which provides an opportunity for scientists to engage with the public on important and relevant issues. The format of the event is a series of 5-15 minute presentations by a diverse range of scientists followed by informal Q&A.
Ohm Innovations: Paint your magic Electronic Circuit
The participants as a team of parent and child prepare their own conductive paint by learning the chemistry behind it. Then they get to build their own electronic circuits with the paint – using low power blinky lights, simple toy motors and buzzers.
Canberra Glassworks: Destination Moon: How Glass took us there!
Canberra Glassworks will hold a series of events from Thursday 15 August to Sunday 18 August looking at how glass has played a pivotal role in humans’ quest of discovery of outer space. From telescopes to the creation of the Apollo Lunar Module, to the re-entry module heat resistant skin, glass has enabled our increased understanding of and interactions with space in fundamental ways.
Canberra Skeptics: Womens’ Woo: Pseudo-Science and Women’s Health
This talk is a tour through the world of women’s woo. There’s probably more of it than you realise, and it’s often weirder than you expect. In this talk, you’ll hear about nonsense therapies and treatments that most of the men here will never have heard about, and probably a fair few women will learn something new too.
Red Hill Primary School: Red Hill Bio-Blitz
Join in a Bio Blitz at the Red Hill Nature Reserve including an evening activity looking at nocturnal species and a daytime activity will be conducted to determine the number of species found in daylight hours as well as the number of plant species.
Royal Australian Chemical Institute: The Mystery of Chemistry and Space Exploration in Ancient Egypt
In recent years, the application of modern science has enabled us to literally see beneath the wrappings of Egyptian mummies. Theories suggest that advanced lifeforms from space may have passed on their knowledge to the Pharaohs. This public talk will explore the mystery of Chemistry and Space in Pharaohs life.
Phil Up On Science: The Sci-Prov Challenge
Sci-Prov is a short entertaining format based on theatre improvisation in which scientists have to talk about their research in an engaging way in improvised scenes. Can they win support with their persuasive words during a chance encounter with Elon Musk while jogging, Scott Morrison in the vet waiting room, or Kim Kardashian at IKEA?
The John Curtin School of Medical Research/The Australian National University: The Art of Vision
The Art of Vision intends to educate the public of visual impairment in a fun and family-oriented setting and activity. The event will be an art class inspired and guided by visually-impaired artists led by the ANU School of Art and Design and the respective artist.
Australian National University: ‘The invisible universe through virtual reality
An immersive VR astronomy experience which includes walking through the solar system, understanding light and the electromagnetic spectrum, gravitational waves (which are ripples in the fabric of space-time) and laser interferometric gravitational wave observatories.
ACT Branch – Australian Marine Sciences Association: Sex, Slugs and Rock n Roll – marine trivia night
A marine-themed trivia night, Sex, Slugs and Rock n Roll is an event for all local marine enthusiasts to have some fun and learn more about our amazing marine world.
NatureArt Lab: Explore Butterflies and Beetles with Scientific Drawing
Two drawing workshops will be offered for youth to learn more about butterflies and beetles. Participants will develop their observation skills through the use of microscopes and magnification to examine insects and create a scientific illustration of their choice.
Perspective Security: Kids SecuriDay
Fun day for kids full of educational security activities – capture the flag, learning how antivirus works (and how it’s subverted), lock picking and more!