Disability Inclusion Guide

The new Disability Inclusion Guide (1.9 MB, pdf) for National Science Week event holders aims to help them to build accessibility into their events from the start. It includes case studies, hints and tips, and links for more information and to disability organisations. In his foreword, Disability Discrimination Commissioner Dr Ben Gauntlett says “people with…

ACT National Science Week Event Grants for 2021

UPDATE! Applications now closing 9 May. This year National Science Week in the ACT will be an online/in-person hybrid for COVID-19 safety and accessibility. The ACT Coordinating Committee are seeking applications for creative and engaging events, with all events requiring an online-only contingency plan in the event of a lockdown in August. To support National…

Info for local councils

Your council can use National Science Week as an opportunity to support and celebrate local science and technology-based industries and organisations. Your libraries and community centres can host science-themed author talks, film nights or ‘Neural Knitworks’ workshops. And your grassroots communication channels can help support your community’s National Science Week efforts, engaging residents and visitors…

Get a taste for science in National Science Week!

Our $500 000 grant round for 2021 has just been announced with great projects from around the country preparing to celebrate science. Many of the projects took inspiration from the National Science Week school theme of Food – Different by Design, including Food – Now and into the Future which is all about making healthy food…

The Future of Foods

Street Science celebrates National Science Week 2021 ‘Food: Different by Design’ this year with our action-packed stage show ‘The Future of Foods’, touring across Queensland in Semester Two. Join us for this gourmet event as we investigate what’s actually in the food we eat, and explore some of the delightful delicacies you might encounter in…

Business and Industry Science Engagement Booklet

The Business and Industry Activities Pack (1 MB, pdf) has been written for assisting groups and organisations to hold events and contribute to National Science Week. The booklet has inspiring ideas, case studies of successful events run previously, as well as suggestions on where to find more help. The booklet is designed to help different kinds…

Grants available in Western Australia for 2021

Grants are now available from the Western Australia Coordinating Commitee for National Science Week to support events in the state. Small grants Up to $2500 (excl. GST) is available for organisations or community groups to run science activities, with a focus on regional and remote engagement. Proposed activities must: be held in August, preferably during…

2021 Unsung Hero Awards of South Australian Science

Nominations are now open for the 2021 Unsung Hero Awards of South Australian Science. The Unsung Hero Awards of South Australian Science are a joint initiative of National Science Week SA and the Australian Science Communicators SA (ASCSA), and are administered by National Science Week SA. There are two awards being offered: Unsung Hero of…