Round 2 of grants are available in NSW

In NSW, this year’s National Science Week campaign will go online in light of restrictions to public gatherings due to the COVID19 pandemic. The NSW Executive Committee for National Science Week and Inspiring Australia is therefore seeking expressions of interest for innovative online events and opportunities that can be delivered as part of science week…

Grants Available in the NT

Funding is available to support exciting and innovative National Science Week activity that facilitates attendance and involvement of the general public, across Australia and in the Northern Territory. The purpose of the funding is to support activity that draws the community’s attention towards science, enabling people to participate in science whilst fostering partnerships between the…

Grants Available in NSW for Online Activities

New South Wales will be celebrating National Science Week online in August in light of restrictions to public gatherings due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Expressions of Interest for support of up to $5000 for innovative online programs are now being sought until Monday 27 April. With so many STEM providers, creative practitioners and contractors affected…

2020 Unsung Hero Awards of South Australian Science

The Unsung Hero Awards of South Australian Science are a joint initiative of National Science Week SA and the Australian Science Communicators SA (ASCSA), and are administered by National Science Week SA. For many years, there was only one award, but the winner was often somebody who was as notable for science communication as for…

Queensland Seed Grants 2020 v2.0

This year National Science Week in Queensland will go online in light of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions to public gatherings expected to extend through to late 2020. The Queensland National Science Week Coordinating Committee are now seeking expressions of interest for innovative online events and opportunities* that can be delivered during or close to National Science…

Community grants in SA

Update: now closing for applications on Friday 29 May. The South Australian Community Grants are open to any individual, community group, organisation, business, industry or university to help celebrate science. The grants should assist in bringing science to an increasing number of South Australians. There are changes to this year’s guidelines due to COVID19. This…

Victorian Event Seed Grant Program Update

The Victorian Coordinating Committee for National Science Week is re-thinking how to celebrate the Week the August. Due to the uncertainty of the situation in the coming months, we regret to advise that the National Science Week Victorian Seed Grant Program will no longer open for applications. We understand that this will impact communities who…

Grants available for National Science Week events in WA

Note: grant conditions and the grant round closing date have changed in response to COVID-19. Grants available for STEM activities in August 2020 in WA The Western Australian Coordinating Committee for National Science Week is offering grants to fund regional and metropolitan online STEM activities. Proposed activities are to be held in August, preferably during…