Science Poem of the Day #6

Today’s poem is from Law & Impulse: maths & chemistry poems, published by The Poets Union. Gerry Jacobson Geotanka walking past a pile of rocks glinting in morning sunlight only I know it’s calc-silicate hornfels of Ordovician age dark hidden outcrop by the lake – Silurian limestone – lingering remnant of the Limestone Plains imprint…

Science Poem of the Day #5

Today’s poem is from Earthly Matters: biology & geology poems, published by The Poets Union. Annamaria Weldon Petrichor Petrichor, scent of first rainfall on rock, sedge, sand and trees along this salt-marsh shore of flooded gums, layers of eucalypt oil rinsed free releasing its high-pitched tang. Lower, sultry odours of soaked bark, full throat-catching cyanobacterial…

Little Scientists are a Big Part of Science Week

Young children are naturally curious and passionate about learning. They explore, question and experiment as they discover and wonder about everything around them. This makes science a wonderful complement to a child’s curiosity, and National Science Week offers many opportunities for young scientists to learn and explore. One such event that allows little learners to…