Funding is available from the NT National Science Week Committee on a competitive basis for community events and activities that raise awareness of the importance of science and innovation. Events and activities are to be conducted during National Science Week 2016, from 13 – 21 August. Total funding of approximately $15 000 is available Territory-wide. The…
Category: Science Week News
Florey Institute: “Think About It” School Outreach Program
The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health is offering a School Outreach Program where neuroscientists will visit schools and talk to Year 9-12 students. These talks can focus on the brain’s functions (fitting in with curriculum topics), new research technologies or science careers. During a week-long outreach program, two scientists will visit Melbourne metropolitan schools, and…
ACT event seed grants
The ACT National Science Week Coordinating Committee has $10 000 worth of funding to be allocated! They are offering seed grants up to $1000 (incl. GST) to support science engagement events, programs and activities conducted between 1 July and 31 October 2016. Preference will be given to events that occur at least once in or very close to…
NSW Regional Science Grants program
2016 NSW Regional Science Grants program now open Funded by the NSW Department of Industry and the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, the NSW Regional Science Grants program aims to further develop the network of NSW Regional Science Hubs, local partnerships that bring together multidisciplinary teams to develop and deliver high-profile science events…
QLD seed grants for National Science Week
The Queensland National Science Week Co-ordinating Committee will award several grants of up to $2500 to develop and deliver new events, activities or programs for National Science Week. Eligibility The event must be held in National Science Week (13-21 August). Events that demonstrate a capacity to be repeated without financial support in future years are…
2016 National Science Week Queensland Launch Grant Application
The Queensland National Science Week Co-ordinating Committee will award up to $10 000 to develop a launch for National Science Week in Queensland. Eligibility The event must be held on Friday 12 or Saturday 13 August 2016. The launch should be aimed at a wider community rather than a single organisation. The Queensland Minister for Science…
National Science Week grant recipients for 2016
The successful projects in the 2016 National Science Week grant round were announced this morning by The Hon Christopher Pyne MP, Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science. Read the Minister’s media release: “Indigenous science, a ‘rock’ musical and pests in the pantry: Science Week celebrates science diversity”. The projects that will share in $500 000 are:…
Citizen science project ideas needed
Do you have an idea for an online citizen science project? We’re looking for a great new idea for the 2016 National Science Week citizen science project. The chosen project will be built and produced by the ABC and promoted across their TV, radio and online channels. If you are a scientist working in Australia and have…
Growth of Dubbo’s Sustainability Expo & Science Festival
Crowd numbers at the 2015 Dubbo Sustainability Expo & Science Festival on Saturday 10 October 2015 topped 1000 – the biggest the event has recorded since first starting as an information night in 2006. Dubbo City Council Sustainability Coordinator Catriona Jennings was amazed at the popularity of the event which this year dovetailed with the…
2016 Grant Round
National Science Week created a huge buzz about science and technology last month, with more than 1700 events attended by almost 1.3 million people. Australia’s future economic growth and prosperity depend on innovations made through science and technology. Science Week is an important way to highlight the need for students to pursue technological careers and for the wider community…