SA Community Grants for National Science Week

South Australian Community Grants are open for community groups, organisations, and businesses to help celebrate science. The grants should assist in bringing science to an increasing number of South Australians. The South Australian Community Grants are primarily for activities and events that involve the general public; however they may also target business and industry. Eligible organisations…

QLD seed grants for National Science Week

The Queensland National Science Week Co-ordinating Committee will award several grants of up to $2500 to develop and deliver new events, activities or programs for National Science Week. Eligibility The event must be held in National Science Week (15-23 August). Events that demonstrate a capacity to be repeated without financial support in future years are…

Tasmanians can get up to $500 for public events

Would you like $500 for your public event? Seed grant applications are open now! Please visit WhySci for more information and to submit your applications. Are you hoping to host a school event instead? Visit the ASTA website. _____________ Got Twitter? 

New-Tech, Sydney

Launched in Sweden in 2013, the New-Tech concept is a different type of technology show in that it offers the visitor not only an informative experience in a product and services sense via regular exhibitor booths, but also exhibits that deliver real and interactive entertainment for all visitors. New-Tech offers genuine entertainment for the whole…

Tasmanians, interested in knowing more about National Science Week?

The exploration, discovery and excitement that is National Science Week is back with another amazing state-wide program planned for 2015. Find out more by coming along to the Hobart or Launceston National Science Week Information Sessions, hosted by the Tasmanian Coordinating Committee. Our guest speaker is Geoff Crane, Manager of National Science Week, from Questacon…

NSW Regional Science Grants program now open

Inspiring Australia grants from $2000 to $10 000 are available to NSW Regional Science Hubs to support science engagement initiatives that will be held during National Science Week and at other times of the year. Additionally, expressions of interest are invited for a one-off grant payment of $25 000 to support a major Sydney initiative and launch…

ABC Citizen Science Project 2015 – Call for proposals from research scientists

Do you have a collection of images or sound files that you need analysed? Could you do with an extra research assistant? How about 10 000 citizen scientists?! We’re looking for a great new idea for our 2015 National Science Week citizen science project. Harnessing the power of citizen science can provide practical and verifiable…

2015 national grant round recipients

Congratulations to all of the successful projects in our $500,000 grant round for 2015. For more information see the media release from Minister for Industry and Science Ian Macfarlane. AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY National Science Week on ScienceAlert National Science Week online – engaging with Science Alert’s huge audience through video, images, articles, polls, livestream and more. Is This how…

Neural Knitworks: craft your own healthy brain in 2015

Some of you may have contributed to Neural Knitworks last year. This Inspiring Australia travelling textile brain exhibition is back, with all invited to grab some yarn and have fun crafting woolly, textile neurons. The Neural Knitworks team are revamping last year’s fabulously successful community art–science engagement project and inviting everyone to get involved and create…