Can You sci-ku?

I love exploring the junction where art and science meet. National Science Week is the perfect platform to showcase how these seemingly disjunct disciplines have the capacity to enrich each other. From SCINEMA screenings (science meets cinema), to visual art and theatre, the arts help us explore scientific concepts in new ways. The RiAus annual sci-ku…

Event Evaluation

Evaluation. Everyone should do it and most of us want help. Here is your opportunity to get some valuable feedback for your own event and to contribute to a national effort to develop more robust evidence of impact of science engagement activities. We know we’re comparing apples and oranges but need responses from as many…

Learning from our Elders: the Indigenous Science Experience

National Science Week 2012 kicks off in Sydney with an exciting collaboration between Macquarie University, the Australian Museum, the Redfern Community Centre and Aboriginal communities from around Australia, sharing knowledge, skills, ideas and enthusiasm. Living in and managing the Australian environment requires care, knowledge and consideration. Aboriginal people have supported themselves here for tens of…

Taking Science to the Streets

Students from Gresford Public School and Dungog High School in the Hunter Valley will set up ‘shop fronts’ in the main street of Dungog demonstrating a wide range of experiments and techniques to visiting students from surrounding schools and members of the general public. Students will showcase their learning in robotics technology, electrical circuits, plant…

School Grant winners

Congratulations to all of the schools in each state and territory who have received school grants for great activities within their schools during National Science Week. Australian Capital Territory Alfred Deakin High School Canberra Montessori School Covenant College Curtin Primary School Garran Primary School Marist College St Mary Mackillop College St Thomas More’s Primary School…

Sound Check Australia

The National Noise and Hearing Test How’s your hearing? How much noise have you been exposed to? Researchers from the National Acoustic Laboratories want to find out how much time Australians spend in loud social environments. But that’s not all – they want to find out about your hearing health, your noise habits and just…