Tasmanian event holders information 2015

Thank you to all who attended our free information sessions across the state. We had over 40 attend in Hobart, Launceston and Burnie from a range of disciplines, including Geoff Crane all the way from Questacon in Canberra. If you missed out, please view last year’s event holders info session video. Don’t know where to…

New-Tech, Sydney

Launched in Sweden in 2013, the New-Tech concept is a different type of technology show in that it offers the visitor not only an informative experience in a product and services sense via regular exhibitor booths, but also exhibits that deliver real and interactive entertainment for all visitors. New-Tech offers genuine entertainment for the whole…

Tasmanians, interested in knowing more about National Science Week?

The exploration, discovery and excitement that is National Science Week is back with another amazing state-wide program planned for 2015. Find out more by coming along to the Hobart or Launceston National Science Week Information Sessions, hosted by the Tasmanian Coordinating Committee. Our guest speaker is Geoff Crane, Manager of National Science Week, from Questacon…

NSW Regional Science Grants program now open

Inspiring Australia grants from $2000 to $10 000 are available to NSW Regional Science Hubs to support science engagement initiatives that will be held during National Science Week and at other times of the year. Additionally, expressions of interest are invited for a one-off grant payment of $25 000 to support a major Sydney initiative and launch…

NSW Stakeholder Briefing

The NSW Inspiring Australia and National Science Week Executive Committee invites you to a stakeholder briefing to discuss the Australian Industry Group‘s recent Progressing STEM Skills in Australia report with National Policy and Projects Manager and principal author Michael Taylor. You’ll also have an opportunity to learn how to get involved with the inaugural Sydney Science Festival to be…

Bids invited for ACT natsciwk 2015 launch

The ACT National Science Week Coordinating Committee is calling for applications (127 kB, .doc) to bid to plan and stage the local launch of National Science Week in August 2015. The committee has up to $10 000 available for an event that the local community can also be a part of. The Committee will be looking for some creative flair and imaginative spark…

Seed grants available in ACT for National Science Week 2015

The ACT National Science Week Coordinating Committee is offering seed grants between $500 – $1000 (incl. GST) to support science engagement events, programs and activities conducted between 1 July and 31 October 2015. There is a total of $10 000 available in this round. The seed funding is designed to assist innovative, interactive events that are…

Your Mission: Your Exhibition – students rise to the challenge at Queensland Museum

On Saturday 23 August, when our Everyday Einstein program for National Science Week was winding down, students from Years 7-9 were cranking up! The Make your Museum student challenge was a (mutual) learning experience generated in partnership with Queensland Academies as part of their Young Scholars workshop program. Their challenge? A day of ‘professional duties’…