New Speakers for The Indigenous Science Experience @ The Australian Museum

The Indigenous Science Experience @ the Australian Musem is proud to announce that the following group will be presenting at our Friday the 10th event at the Australian Museum. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear about the process behind the creation of this acclaimed plan of management in a sensitive and culturally important landscape….

Brain Break Tasmania

Does your organisation employ scientists, science teachers or lecturers, or rely on scientific knowledge for its projects and products? Or are you simply interested in celebrating National Science Week? Get involved in National Science Week 2012 by holding a Brain Break morning tea. What is Brain Break? Brain Break is a state-wide morning tea for…

Domestic + Science

As part of the South Australian Living Artist’s Festival, RiAus (the Royal Institution of Australia) presents Domestic + Science, an art exhibition which communicates links between science and the local arts community. Four South Australian artists — Beth Evans, Cheryl Hutchens, Renate Nisi and myself — have employed needle-work, gardening, cooking and hand-made bookmaking to…

Can You sci-ku?

I love exploring the junction where art and science meet. National Science Week is the perfect platform to showcase how these seemingly disjunct disciplines have the capacity to enrich each other. From SCINEMA screenings (science meets cinema), to visual art and theatre, the arts help us explore scientific concepts in new ways. The RiAus annual sci-ku…

Science Festival at QUT

Ideas to Change the World QUT’s Science and Engineering is running an online competition for Year 11 and 12 students. The Ideas to Change the World Challenge aims to encourage young minds to be our future problem-solvers and for them to understand the positive impact they can have on improving the lives of others and…

Have a Brain Break!

Have a Brain Break Morning Tea to celebrate National Science Week. Hold one at your work place, school staff room, gym… anywhere! Brain Break coasters, science questions and two T-shirts (for prizes) will be provided to each participating business or organisation. Contact the Chair of National Science Week SA Coordinating Committee Rona Sakko or phone on…