Tasmanian National Science Week Engagement Grant Winners 2022

The Tasmanian National Science Week Coordinating Committee and Inspiring Australia (Tasmania) awarded 12 Engagement Grants for a total of $38,000 to support individuals and organisations who will deliver a public science, technology, engineering, maths, or medicine (STEMM) themed activity as part of National Science Week. This year, the grants were available to support: a public…

Queensland Seed Grant Recipients 2022

Congratulations to these 11 recipients of grants for their National Science Week events in Queensland. Start Codon Alan Alan Alan’s Guide to Life (Science) A series of light-hearted, animated storytime videos that focus on areas of science not normally presented to the public. The videos will connect with high school aged people, and intend to…

Seeking Event Proposals for Special Audiences in Canberra

The ACT National Science Week Coordinating Committee is looking for applications for people to run an event for the LGBTIQA+ community and an event for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Canberra for National Science Week. We are after innovative and engaging events to get audiences involved that are typically under-represented in STEM….

Victorian Grant Round Recipients in 2022

Inspiring Victoria and the Victorian National Science Week Coordinating Committee are delighted to announce this year’s recipients of Community Grants. The grant fund of $10,000 attracted $20,991 in grant submissions, so it was a real challenge to distribute these equitably through consideration of program quality, geographic distribution, relative disadvantage and value for money, along with…

Grant Recipients in Western Australia for 2022

Congratulations to all of the successful applicants, and thanks to all of those who applied for support for their National Science Week events in Western Australia. Medium Grant Recipients All of the medium grant recipients events will celebrate this years theme Glass: More than meets the eye. Events will be held in metropolitan Perth, during…

Tasmanian National Science Week Engagement Grants 2022

Tasmanian National Science Week Engagement Grants The Tasmanian National Science Coordinating Committee is offering grants to fund a range of STEM engagement events and initiatives to be held in National Science Week 2022 in Tasmania. Three types of grants are available: To support a public STEM engagement event/activity ($2500), for to an organisation, community group…

Unsung Hero Awards of South Australian Science 2022

Nominations are now open for the 2022 Unsung Hero Awards of South Australian Science. There are 2 awards offered: Unsung Hero of South Australian Science – for science and research endeavours Unsung Hero of South Australian Science Communication – for the communication of science The awards are intended to recognise those whose contribution has been…

SA Community Grants for 2022

The South Australian Community Grants are open to any individual, community group, organisation, business, industry or university to help celebrate science. The grants should assist in bringing science to an increasing number of South Australians, and are primarily for activities and events that involve the general public; however they may also target business and industry….