Are you interested in introducing science and technology themes into your programming? Would you like to join forces with like-minded organisations to produce science events? Inspiring Australia (NSW) is currently offering grants of up to $10 000 to NSW Regional Science Hubs to deliver community programs during National Science Week in August or at other times of the year. Applications close 4 April.
The NSW Regional Science Grants Program is intended to extend the network of Regional Science Hubs, community engagement partnerships that encourage people from all walks of life to consider the relevance of science and technology to everyday life. Led by local organisations, Science Hubs deliver public programs that inform community members about the exciting possibilities generated by science, technology and innovation. They inspire young people to consider science and technology careers and spark conversations about the future by bringing scientists, research organisations and universities together with local government, museums and galleries, businesses and the community.
All kinds of science-interested organisations work together as Science Hubs, and with program support from Inspiring Australia (NSW) and other partners, deliver exceptional community engagement experiences, particularly during National Science Week.
For example, the Wagga Wagga City Library has joined forces with the local Art Gallery, Charles Sturt University and other partners to form the Riverina Science Hub that will again deliver a suite of events as part of the popular Riverina Science Festival this year during National Science Week. Snowy Monaro Council will also be joining the celebrations with a series of events planned, as will the Hunter region whose Hunter Science Festival is now a fixture on the annual events calendar. Other Science Hubs with National Science Week plans underway include those on the Sapphire Coast, New England, Cowra Cabonne and Northern Rivers regions of NSW.
Get involved
Inspiring Australia (NSW) would like to establish more Science Hubs across the state and welcomes interest from science-interested organsations. If you would like to create new opportunities for community members in your area to participate in an exciting range of science, technology and innovation outreach initiatives, check whether there is an existing Science Hub in your area.
If there is no established Science Hub in a region, your organsation can take the lead and establish a new partnership. In order to do this, you must be committed to convening ongoing science themed outreach programs and join at least two other science-interested organisations who agree to work with you as members as a Science Hub. Then you can apply for funding support through the 2017 NSW Regional Science Grants program.
Note that the intention of this initiative is to build collaborative partnerships that have a commitment to working together in the longer term to create ongoing science and technology engagement programs in regional NSW. For this reason, one-off National Science Week events will not be considered eligible for this funding round and only one grant application will be accepted per region.
More information about becoming a Science Hub and the 2017 NSW Regional Science Grants program.
Guest blog post by Jackie Randles, Inspiring Australia Manager, NSW.