Are you astounded by supersymmetry? Excited by the Higgs boson? Think neutrinos are supremo?
Express Media, COSMOS magazine, Blue Vapours and CoEPP (Centre of Excellence for Particle Physics at the Terascale) have joined together to create a home for artistic explorations and responses to all things particle physics. The Collision website, exhibition and accompanying zine (which will be launched in National Science Week ) are your opportunity to respond visually to these exciting scientific concepts.
You don’t have to be a comics-crazy art-hound or an Oscar-winning cinematographer to get involved. Artwork, in any form, may be the best way to express your love of particle physics. Visit the website or their Facebook page for some inspiration, and to take a peek at what other people are submitting.
From the entries received by July 13, a selection of thirteen comics will be picked by judges for inclusion in the Collision zine, which will be distributed all over Australia—to schools, libraries and universities. Other favourites will be exhibited during National Science Week.
Plus there are three prizes up for grabs: a people’s choice award, a multimedia prize for the best animation or film work, and a prize for best the best graphic entry, which may include publication in COSMOS magazine, who reach 400 000 people every month.
Collision is supported by a National Science Week 2012 grant.