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Beehive Science

  • - (AEST)
  • Fraser Rise Children's & Community Centre
    46 City Vista Court, Fraser Rise VIC 3336, Australia

This is a unique educational experience for preschoolers and primary age around bees, sustainability, and environmental stewardship.

We are excited to present our engaging bee incursion for this year's National Science Week. Led by experienced educator Holly, our session caters to each age group, ensuring optimal learning outcomes.

Activities include:

  • Observing live bee colonies in action in our observation hive. Children will gain a deeper understanding of bee behaviour and hive dynamics.
  • Getting hands-on with beekeeping tools. Children can try on specially-sized suits and veils to experience the equipment used by beekeepers.

Central to our program is promoting safe and respectful interactions with bees in natural play spaces. We foster environmental awareness and teach basic safety guidelines. By immersing children in these experiences, we aim to nurture a deep appreciation for the ecological significance of bees. And inspire proactive engagement in sustainable practices. 
