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Bring Back the Karaks

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  • - (AWST)
  • Woodlands Primary School
    7 Bentwood Avenue, Woodlands WA 6018, Australia

We have a problem at Woodlands Primary School - many birds used to feed and nest within our school, but we are seeing less and less of them each year.

The STEM whole school project of Bringing Back the Kaarakins (endangered black cockatoos) will be conducted in weekly Science lessons with the Science Specialist.

Each year group from Kindy to Year 6 will need to complete their part for the whole school project to be successful. Activities will include learning about Aboriginal culture, conducting bird and plants surveys; contributing to citizen science programs, recording, graphing and analysing data; researching native plants and birds; creating models of the karaks to explain physical and behavioural adaptations; researching threats and the needs of karaks, and designing and creating a solution to this issue. Students will present their work in whole school interactive Bring Back the Karaks exhibition during National Science Week.

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