Observe and collect field data to develop responsive records of place with artist Madison Kelly.
As part of National Science Week, join current Artist in Residence Madison Kelly for a special experience immersed in the Bundanon wilderness. Visiting from New Zealand, Madison Kelly (Kāi Tahu, Kāti Mamoe, Pākehā) is a Māori artist with a background in zoology and is the inaugural fellow of the McCahon House Residency Fellowship.
Using a series of guided drawing exercises, participants will build up a survey record of a particular ecological zone, from the macro down to the micro. Learn observational life drawing techniques along with methods for collecting field data to develop records of place, through a series of mark making and annotation exercises.
With a focus on recording movement and the passage of time, our subject matter will range from the horizon line all the way to the ground beneath our feet. This approach welcomes people both into natural history traditions and contemporary ecological surveying techniques, using our eyes and hands as a common tool for recording and sharing our knowledge.
Please note that Bundanon has two sites. Turn right at the red sign to go to the Homestead Site. Do not go to the Art Museum site. Meet outside the Homestead.