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Engaging Curiosity and Teamwork with Neuroscientist, Dr Dana Bradford

  • - (AEST)

What can neuroscience tell us about school-age brains? And how can understanding a neurodiverse brain help us engage these students more effectively?


Join CSIRO neuroscientist and TedX presenter, Dr Dana Bradford for this free, professional learning webinar for educators for a better understanding of what’s happening in your students’ heads.

It balances theory with helpful strategies to try in class to suit a diverse range of students. The session is broken into key topics with opportunities to ask Dr Dana questions.

Topics covered include:

  • key neuroscience fundamentals
  • understanding communication, reading, and the social brain
  • techniques for engaging neurodiverse students
  • building transferable, 21st century skills
  • the neuroscientific basis of curiosity and collaboration skills.

This session is also relevant for all educators, school administrators, those in student support roles, parents and community members who work with young people. 


About Dr Dana Bradford

Dr Dana Bradford (Dip Pos Psyc & Wellbeing, BSc Hons, PhD Neuroscience) leads the Neurodevelopment and Plasticity team at the Australian eHealth Research Centre. Her work focuses on developing digital services for equitable health care in culturally and neurologically diverse populations and general populations, particularly relating to chronic health, mental health, genomics and aged care.


About STEM Together

Helping Dana translate her expertise into a classroom context is CSIRO’s STEM Together team of education professionals. STEM Together helps curious Year 5 to 10 students – and the adults that support them – to strengthen their confidence, capability and connection with STEM. STEM Together is powered by CSIRO and BHP Foundation.