Planet Earth 2 and Blue Planet 2 captured the imagination of viewers around the world. But how do Attenborough’s film crew find and film their amazing wildlife stories? And what does it take for a UQ Science graduate to become an international wildlife filmmaker?
Join UQ Science alumni and award-winning Queensland film producer, Dr Chadden Hunter. He will take us on a fascinating journey through the hidden secrets of making nature documentaries.
From early beginnings in the UQ Goddard Building studying satin bowerbirds to his PhD years living ‘Gorillas in the Mist’ style amongst baboons in the Ethiopian highlands. Dr Hunter reveals the behind-the-scenes stories that never make it to television. Along the way, he’ll share hilarious anecdotes. Describe why a cup of tea is so important when your cabin is being ripped apart by a grizzly bear and share never-before-seen footage.
Come along for a stunning multimedia presentation and a riveting Q&A discussing whether Attenborough blockbusters do anything to help conservation.
Book your tickets early as they are sure to sell out.