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Humpback Highway: Diving into the Mysterious World of Whales

  • - (AEST)
  • Macquarie University,
    Wallumattagal Campus, North Ryde NSW 2113, Australia
Every winter, Australia's coastal waters become a bustling marine highway as humpback whales make their annual migration. These enormous creatures journey from their Antarctic feeding grounds to warmer waters where they breed. This impressive route is known as the humpback highway, with whales traveling along both the east and west coasts of Australia. While we see these magnificent animals each year, there is still much to learn about their lives beneath the waves. Whale scientist Dr Vanessa Pirotta from Macquarie University will explore fascinating questions in her National Science Week lecture. She'll discuss what whales do when they are out of sight in the Southern Ocean, the surprising importance of whale poop to marine ecosystems, and the intriguing properties of whale snot. Dr Pirotta's engaging talk, suitable for all ages, will feature whale sounds, explain typical behaviours you might observe, and explain why whales are crucial to our oceans. She has also just released her new book for adults, The Humpback Highway, offering even more insights into these remarkable marine mammals.