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Humpback Highway – Diving into the mysterious world of whales

  • - (AEST)
  • Macquarie Theatre
    21 Wally’s Walk, Macquarie University, North Ryde NSW 2109, Australia

Each winter, Australia’s coastal waters transform into a busy blue playground with the arrival of the humpback whales. This annual migration sees the west and east coasts blubber to blubber as humpback whales travel from their Antarctic feeding waters to warmer waters to breed. These migratory routes are known as the humpback highway. But while we might see whales annually, what do they really get up to when we are not watching them? Where do they go when they are in the Southern Ocean? Is whale poo really important for the ocean? What’s the deal with whale snot?  These are just a few questions whale scientist Dr Vanessa Pirotta will explore in her exciting National Science Week public lecture. Dr Pirotta caters for all ages with her engaging and enthusiastic lecture, which celebrates whales and the publication of her first book for big kids (adults); The Humpback Highway. Hear the sounds whales make, learn what behaviours you might see on the humpback whale and understand why whales and are important for us all
