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Little Green Thumbs

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  • - (AEST)
  • Godfrey Street Community House
    9 Godfrey Street, Bentleigh VIC 3204, Australia

We would like to teach children how you can grow your own fruit/vegetables and how this type of healthy food helps to maintain healthy bodies. It is important to also highlight the plant cycle - how plants need food too to grow (good soil, sunlight and water).

We would like to create a vegie garden to teach kids about:

- What is needed to create a garden (soil, seeds, etc) and the life cycle of plants

- Discuss how fruit and vegies are healthy food and eating these makes for healthy bodies

- Discuss the human body and the digestive system.

Food to be provided would be fruit and vegie snacks - examples of things that grow in the garden.

Location Information

Will be presented in the childcare and childcare playground.