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Macrofauna – the base of biodiversity at Calgardup Cave

  • From
  • Calgardup Cave
    7199 Caves Road, Forest Grove WA 6286, Australia

Come along and help Calgardup Cave staff survey invertebrates in the bushland above Calgardup Cave. Learn about the fundamental roles that macrofauna play in the forest ecosystem, and about the threatened community of cave fauna that depends on the forest above. 

Invertebrates make up around 95% of animal biodiversity in Australia, yet most species remain undescribed and are poorly understood. We’ll look at how citizen scientists can help researchers fill gaps in information and contribute to protecting the base of our ecosystem biodiversity. Get tips on how to photograph macrofauna and how to submit your observations to iNaturalist. 

After the workshop, take a self-guided walk through Calgardup Cave.

On 10-11 August, Mike Longman from Cavers Leeuwin Incorporated (CLINC) will join us as an expert guest to share information about cave surveying and mapping.

On 17-18 August, bat specialist Kelly Sheldrake from the WA Speleological Society (WASG) will be in attendance a the caves surveying bats. We'll also have karst and cave specialists Jay and Ross Anderson onsite to discuss cave fauna with interested guests.
