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Outback to Outer Space

  • - (ACST)
  • Casuarina Library
    17 Bradshaw Terrace, Casuarina NT 0810, Australia

Outback to Outer Space is an interactive virtual reality experience aimed at 12-18 year olds. Go on a virtual journey from Ubirr Rock in Kakadu National Park to the International Space Station in outer space.

Youth will have the opportunity to virtually climb Ubirr Rock to experience local culture and the magnificent views. You can virtually board the International Space Station (ISS) to undergo astronaut training. Learn how to propel themselves through the space station. See the space station’s toilet and learn about some of the daily challenges faced when living in a zero-gravity environment. They can learn some docking manoeuvres and take a spacewalk. This immersive VR experience is extremely entertaining. As well as educational and potentially life changing.

This VR experience delivered by Amazing XR during National Science Week will engage you in STEM. This event will provide them an opportunity to use leading edge technology to explore our natural environment and learn about technological advances on the ISS.
