Book Launch – Follow Your Gut: A Story From The Microbes That Make You

Join us to celebrate the launch of a new graphic novel – Follow Your Gut: A Story From The Microbes That Make You (Scribe 2024), created by writer Ailsa Wild, reproductive microbiologist Lisa Stinson, artist Ben Hutchings, microbial ecologist/science educator Gregory Crocetti & artist Briony Barr. A timid Bifidobacterium named Biffy is forced to leave…

Helping the Butterflies and Bees

For National Science Week, our kinder group sessions will centre on the theme of ‘Helping the Butterflies and Bees.’ Students will actively participate in educational activities at discovery stations and conduct scientific investigations. The primary focus will be on understanding the life cycles of bees and butterflies and recognizing their significance in our ecosystem, particularly…

Species Survival in Science Week

In celebration of Science Week, our school organises a special ‘Science Day’ where students are grouped into multi-age house teams to engage in a variety of hands-on activities throughout the day. These activities are designed to complement the students’ ongoing exploration of Biological Science during their weekly STEM lessons. The primary aim of Science Day…

Brain Break – Centenary State High School

We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.

The Science and Culture of Bulukminy, the File Snake

In the rich biodiversity of the Arafura Swamp, we find the fascinating file snake (Acrochordus arafurae). This harmless, completely aquatic snake has quite unique biology. In our region, one of the local names for file snakes is Bulukminy. The Bulukminy are culturally important and a valuable source of bush meat. Join us on a field…

The Science of Selecting, Planting and Establishing Trees

Join us at Inala for a one-day workshop on the science of selecting, planting and establishing trees. This workshop will cover tree biology 101 and an introduction to the principles of soil science. It will be a combination of lecture, slides, specimens and hands-on practical activities. We will explore the reasons behind the failure of…

Brain Break – Frankston City Libraries

We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.

Brain Break – Maroochydore State High School

We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.

Brain Break – Melbourne Grammar School

We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.

Brain Break – Sevenoaks Senior College

We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.