Future Medicine: Stem Cells and Cancer webinar

Meet the scientists working at the forefront of cancer research and find out. What kinds of cancer can be treated with stem cell transplants? How is umbilical cord blood used to treat some types of cancer? How is stem cell science changing our understanding of how cells go rogue, leading to conditions like skin cancer…

Water, wetlands and wildlife

National Science Week provides us with a chance to discover a local urban success story. Geography Victoria is offering a fieldtrip with local restoration and environmental specialists exploring the challenges, successes and opportunities of managing our urban environment. Our three focus areas will be:  * The community-driven rewilding and transformation of the former Elsternwick golf course in North…

Water, wetlands and wildlife

National Science Week provides us with a chance to discover a local urban success story. Geography Victoria is offering a fieldtrip with local restoration and environmental specialists exploring the challenges, successes and opportunities of managing our urban environment. Our three focus areas will be:  * The community-driven rewilding and transformation of the former Elsternwick golf course in North…

Water, wetlands and wildlife

National Science Week provides us with a chance to discover a local urban success story. Geography Victoria is offering a fieldtrip with local restoration and environmental specialists exploring the challenges, successes and opportunities of managing our urban environment. Our three focus areas will be:  * The community-driven rewilding and transformation of the former Elsternwick golf course in North…

Water, wetlands and wildlife

National Science Week provides us with a chance to discover a local urban success story. Geography Victoria is offering a fieldtrip with local restoration and environmental specialists exploring the challenges, successes and opportunities of managing our urban environment. Our three focus areas will be:  * The community-driven rewilding and transformation of the former Elsternwick golf course in North…

Science Week at Macclesfield Primary School

For the 2023 theme of Innovation: Powering Future Industries we have Megan Volta from For the Love of Science coming in to help us run a series of activities and events each day.  The following activities will run across the week, with all students involved. Some of these activities will run as opt in events,…