Krebs Lecture – How Science and Maths Influence Environmental Policy

What happens when a mathematician and an environmental scientist walk into a bar? They influence policy.  Join us for an engaging lecture by Prof Hugh Possingham, Vice-Chancellor’s Senior Research Fellow at the University of Queensland, co-chair of the Biodiversity Council and Chief Scientist for Accounting for Nature. “This talk is not for the faint-hearted” says…

Nature Play with Emma Grace

As part of National Science Week, Strathdon House & Orchard Precinct is offering a fun & educational nature play session with Emma Grace. Using flowers, leaves, seed pods & locally gathered materials, participants are invited to embrace the ephemeral nature of creating striking site-specific artworks such as Mandalas.

Cottesloe Primary Science Week Maker Space

Over the week, students are set challenges where they will need to design and innovative solution. At the end of the week students will select one of their ideas to create in a Maker Space session. Students will be interviewed about their creations and this will be shared in a National Science Week Assembly.

Goodstart Narangba Science Activities

During National Science Week our educators will be conducting various science sessions, across all age groups within our centre. The resources we have gathered are My First Science Book, water cycle puzzle, My First Weight Scale, play and explore fossils set, and a mini beast super life cycle set. These resources can be used in…

Sapphire Coast – Meet the Locals

The Sapphire Coast is home to a wonderfully wild range of wildlife. As part of National Science Week, this free event will allow you to meet our qualified and experienced zookeepers and ecologists who will share their knowledge with you about some of these amazing animals. Ever wondered what a long-nosed potoroo looked like? Wonder…

Great Glossy Count Training Workshop – Pottsville

Join like-minded bird-lovers to learn how to locate and identify Glossy Black-Cockatoos and their feed trees in the wild. Marama Hopkins from Tweed Shire Council and Harry Hackett from Wildbnb Wildlife Habitat will present information about Glossy Black-Cockatoo identification and ecology. The workshop will also feature a talk from Geckoes Wildlife who will display a live…

DCCEEW Questacon Takeover

We’re taking over Questacon to celebrate National Science Week. This spectacular event will showcase Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) science that supports our work in leading Australia’s response to climate change and sustainable energy use, and protecting our environment, heritage and water. Dive into a virtual reality tour of the…

Science Week at Lanyon High School

Students will be able to participate in a variety of activities from Monday to Friday during lunch time. They will be able to compare digital versus analogue technology and discuss their pros and cons. Information about STEM-related careers, including space, will be available as posters and videos. The activities will be supervised by the science…

Junior Lab – weigh it, stack it, magnetise it!

Calling all scientists. Join us at Junior Lab for a fun and interactive time to explore, experiment, and learn about different scientific principles – weights, light and reflections, and magnets. Children aged 1-5 years old. Please include all children ages and any guardian / educators attending in the notes when booking your free tickets. This…