Milkwood students will work with Traditional Owners from North East Arnhem Land to build a traditional Yolngu (Aboriginal) canoe. Drawing on Indigenous Knowledge Systems in areas of science and engineering, students will take part in the design, material preparation, construction and test-floating of the canoe. Milkwood’s Strategic Plan includes a commitment to embed Traditional Knowledge,…
Archives: Events
Family Fun: Code your own video game
Join the National Science Week fun at QVMAG as we get hands on and learn how to code our own video game with the Bitlink education team. We’ll learn how to use block-based coding, to build 2D video games using Microsoft MakeCode Arcade, and take you through some of the beginning steps towards creating your…
Science Spectacular Show
Science…with a bang! Witness explosions, fire tornadoes, giant bubbles, liquid nitrogen clouds and more with our live stream science shows from the Science Space team from the University of Wollongong. This live, interactive, action packed show in the Nuala O’Flaherty Auditorium at the Museum will feature the biggest and most spectacular experiments by the Science…
Exploring Boonwurrung Seasons
Explorers Brighton East is on Boonwurrung land in the eastern Kulin nations. During National Science Week we will be learning about the six Boonwurrung seasons from Jaeden Williams, founder of Biik Bundjil. During his workshop with our four year old kinder children (AKA the Red Gums) Jaeden will invite the children to join with him…
Kingswood High School’s Science Open Night
To celebrate all things science and National Science Week, Kingswood High School’s Science Department are delighted to run a school Open Night for the Kingswood Community and abroad. Join us at for a SCIENtific family fun night on Wednesday 16 August from 6:00pm to 8:00pm where students from Years 7 to 12 will showcase all things…
Gold Coast School Science Competition
The 36th annual Gold Coast Schools Science Competition aimed at raising the profile of STEM in the Gold Coast community and encourages students to demonstrate their STEM abilities by entering a project into one of the five possible categories. The competition is the largest of its type in Queensland and the competition is fierce with…
Explore the Night Sky at Stockport Observatory
A free astronomical viewing night for 50-70 invited community members of the City of Playford. The Astronomical Society of SA will provide a variety of telescopes and operators with which to view the night sky; information sessions; activities suitable for children, a tour of the main dome; laser-guided tours of the night sky. Explanations of…
Gloucester Landscape Felting
GACCI’s Gloucester Landscape Felting workshop aims to educate children aged 8+ from Gloucester and surrounds about the importance of biodiversity focusing on Gloucester River and Barrington Tops. Volunteers from the Tops Landcare Group will cover various aspects of the ecosystem, from trees and shrubs to large animals and insects, emphasising their significance. Led by artist and…
Brain Break – Dover District School
We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.
St Clare’s STEM Extravaganza
Our STEM Extravaganza will run all day involving students from Prep to Year 6 working in mixed aged groups. The day will involve a rotation of engaging, hands-on activities designed to promote critical and creative thinking about this year’s theme – Innovation: Powering future industries. We have partnered with Canegrowers Tully, who will showcase how…