Join us to celebrate National Science Week and all the amazing science work our students do. Oasis stargazers will be in to do some stargazing with us. We will also have our brand new telescope out on display for students to look at and use. The Mallee CMA will be bringing in some macroinvertebrates from…
Archives: Events
Sci-Fi Series: Is RNA the answer to cancer?
This event is now being presented online. Until recently most people had never heard of RNA. If DNA is the hardware of life, then RNA is the software that allows it to operate. mRNA is well-known as the key ingredient in COVID-19 vaccines. But RNA technology could also play an important role in how we…
Surgical Biofix – Amniotic Membrane Allografts Plant Tour
Surgical Biofix is Australia’s first and proudly Queensland-based full thickness Amniotic Membrane Allograft manufacturer – Revita is our product and it is used to treat severe and chronic wounds from diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg, bed and pressure sores, burns, skin cancer removal and many many more. SBF consent and collect caesarean birth placentas and …
Datalogging made Easy (High School)
Join Bill from Modern Teaching Aids for Datalogging Made Easy presentation for Secondary. Bill will be presenting virtually at the Digital Futures Hub on Thursday 18 August from 1.00pm to 2.00pm. You will be able to join MS Teams. Bill will cover the possibilities and capabilities of modern educational data logging equipment. An overview of the…
Science Using Augmented Reality (Primary)
Join Rosemary Arnott from Modern Teaching Aids for the Science using Augmented Reality presentation for primary teachers. Rosemary will be presenting virtually from the Digital Futures Hub on Wednesday 17 August from 3.30pm to 4.30pm. You will be able to join MS Teams. Students learn best when they can hold and inspect physical objects, but are such learning experiences always readily…
Using LEGO Education to Teach Science (Primary – Year 12)
Join James Dwyer from Modern Teaching Aids for Using LEGO to Teach Science presentation using LEGO BricQ Prime and Spike Prime for P-12. James will be presenting at the Digital Futures Hub on Wednesday 17 August from 9.00am to 12.00pm. You will be able to join in-person or via MS Teams. In this hands-on workshop targeted at Year 5-8 teachers, we…
Parks Victoria’s Marine Science Primary School Student Webinar
Your primary school students are invited to celebrate National Science Week by attending a free, online webinar about how Parks Victoria uses science to protect the marine environment and how students can help care for our unique marine ecosystem. Students will connect with Parks Victoria’s Marine Ranger, Monique Bregman, who will share beautiful imagery of…
Kids Makerspace Circuit at Forestville Library
Sample our STEM collection and other technology for National Science Week at Forestville Library. We will have circuit-style stations set up so everyone has an opportunity to try different tech. We have a range of kits to borrow from our libraries including MaKey MaKey, LittleBits, BBC micro:bit, Sphero SPRK+, Ozobot bit and Circuit Scribe Ultra….
National Science Week QLD Launch in Queen St Mall
To launch National Science Week in Queensland and the Inspiring Australia Queensland reimagined website, there will be an explosive science show at the Queen Street Mall stage (opposite Myer) featuring fun and interactive science experiments and performances that showcase this year’s school theme Glass: More than meets the eye. From live science experiments by Dr Rob Bell from Experimentary, as well as performances…
Protect Antarctica: an exhibition featuring THIN ICE VR
Come and immerse yourself in the Antarctic landscape with the brand new virtual reality film THIN ICE VR. This incredible film takes you into the world of modern-day adventurer Tim Jarvis as he recreates the famous events of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s voyage and discovers that climate change has drastically impacted the region. Films that use virtual reality…