Ground Breaking Women

In celebration of National Science Week, join the Metro Tunnel Education Team to hear about some ground-breaking women– Joan Kirner, Meg Lanning, Alice Appleford and Millie Peacock – and how they have been commemorated on our project.  The session includes a brief project overview, introduction to tunnel boring machines and how they are named, followed…

Sustainability in Transport Infrastructure

As the human population grows and puts increasing demand on the environment, resources and services, we need to design and build transport systems that maintain sustainability as a core focus. Join the Education Team from Rail Projects Victoria and hear how we use a sustainability framework and focus areas to plan, deliver and report on…

Brain Break – Silkwood MIddle School

We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.

Brain Break – Silkwood Senior School

We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.

Marvellous Moil Science Fair

During National Science Week, the Marvellous Moil Science Fair will be held at Moil Primary School. This event will involve the whole school including all students and classes (6 Mainstream classes and 3 IEU classes) to display the work they have been learning about in science lessons and STEAM. The Fair will showcase and celebrate…

Interesting Insects and Mysterious Malleefowl

From little things big things grow. Did you know that we have budding scientists making amazing discoveries all around us? Did you know that insects are part of the diet of our threatened malleefowl, and that we only have names for about 30% of the estimated 250,000 insect species in Australia? Join us for a…

Funky Fungi and Groovy Grasslands

Join us at this free National Science Week event to learn more about our fascinating local fungi and our threatened native grasslands. Attend one or both of these activities: A family friendly guided field walk to discover local fungi and learn how to become a citizen scientist by recording your sightings on Fungimap at 1:00-2:30 pm…

Stars Over the Park

Embark on an evening of star and planet gazing. Join Dr Luke Barnes from Western Sydney University for an introduction to stargazing and Drew Roberts from Shared Knowledge will share stories of the night sky from a First Nation’s perspective. Sydney City Skywatchers will come in and set up their amazing telescopes to guide you through the…

The Young Scientist Research Prizes

To foster and recognise excellence in Victoria’s early career scientists, the Royal Society of Victoria has established four prestigious competitive prizes open to Victorian students in their final year of doctoral candidature, in all areas of the Biomedical & Health Sciences, Biological Sciences (non-human), Earth Sciences and Physical Sciences. Following assessment of applications across the…

Brain Break – Caloundra State High School

We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.