Even though insects are very small, they are essential in our ecosystem. These little critters do everything from being pollinators to predators. We hear a lot about insects from across the world and Australia, but what about those in Canberra? In this talk Ying Luo will introduce you to the world of insects and insect…
Archives: Events
Walks and Talks: Not so boring beetles
The diversity of insects is not limited to those we see flying around us; hidden away in the nooks and crannies of our environment are an even greater assortment of life. Some of the most bizarre, beautiful and even destructive insects live in trees. Trees are a great shelter and source of energy for many…
Clifton Hill Primary School Morning Tea
Screening of Another day of STEM and a quiz in the STEM Lab.
Glass: More than meets the eye festival
This National Science Week join us for a family friendly day of discovery, art, and play. Observe our closest star with a purpose-build solar telescope, jump into Curtin Universities pop-up science lab and take part in hands-on experiments including think: lab coats, lenses, lasers and more. Make your own Pate de Verre glass bowl with…
Seeing Things Differently
These two events are scheduled for Friday 19 August (for school groups) and Saturday 20 August (for families and the general public). Visitors will have the opportunity to see inside Adelaide’s Micro-X factory, which develops and produces next generation X-ray imaging equipment incorporating innovative design and carbon nanotube technology. Other industry tours will also be…
Amazing Science: Tiny Art Gallery
Create a scientific masterpiece and be a part of our Tiny Art Gallery for National Science Week. Open to ages 10 – 16 only. How to participate: Register for your kit online. Pick up your kit and entry form from any Blacktown City Libraries branch between 4 – 8 July. Use your artistic talents and paint…
g4g DAY @ Canberra
It’s on again @ Canberra, Australia. Our signature one day event demonstrates the link between science, technology, engineering & mathematics (STEM) to everything around us in a fun & interactive way. We invite 100-150 girls aged 10-17 to come and join the fun and be inspired by hands-on workshops led by role-model professionals in STEM. The day consists…
Impacts! Rocks from space colliding with planets
As part of The Women in Physics Lecture Tour, Associate Professor Katarina Miljkovic of Curtin University will be speaking about her research on meteorite impacts. It was only discovered in the mid-20th century that craters were formed by meteorite strikes. Since then, many space missions have mapped impact craters on the surfaces of planets and…
Inside The Fish Bowl
The Fish Bowl is a dramatic production that ran during this year’s Adelaide Fringe Festival, winning the Best Theatre & Physical Theatre Award and Holden Street Theatre’s Adelaide Fringe Award. The title is a metaphor for the voyeuristic, circular nature of the daily routine for people living in aged care. The play presents the real-life…
A Window on SAHMRI Open Day
Come and see inside SAHMRI’s iconic “cheesegrater” building on North Terrace. Get up close to the stunning architecture and discover the life-changing work we’re doing inside, plus meet the researchers who devote their careers to finding better ways to treat, heal and care for people. Join one of our free half-hour tours and explore a…