National Science Week YA Sensory Trays

Come socialise with other neurodiverse young adults age 13 – 20 while exploring sensory trays. A National Science Week event, presented with the support of the Inspiring Victoria program.

Nature Phone Photography

Celebrate National Science Week with Nature Phone Photography. Join us as we wander around the Endeavour Hills Town Square and learn how to take captivating nature photos using our smart phone cameras. Attendees will meet at the Endeavour Hills Library where we will go over some handy tips and tricks to take the most engaging…

Space For Earth – Susmita Mohanty

Dr Susmita Mohanty is a spaceship designer, serial entrepreneur and space diplomat. In a conversation with Professor Janna Levin, she will discuss her work co-founding India’s first space start-up, the challenges of building sustainable habitats beyond Earth, and the innovative technologies driving the next generation of space missions. About the speakers Dr Susmita Mohanty is…

Passport to Space – Susmita Mohanty and Maya Nasr

Indian space entrepreneur and habitat designer Dr Susmita Mohanty joins Lebanese remote sensing scientist Dr Maya Nasr in conversation. They will discuss their shared vision for space exploration. Drawing on their experiences ― from Nasr launching the Humanity United with MIT Art and Nanotechnology in Space (HUMANS) record of community messages to the International Space…

Our Crowded Skies – Moriba Jah and Trevor Paglen

Space environmentalist A/Prof Moriba Jah and artist Trevor Paglen reveal the unseen, crowded sky, from space junk to ‘invisible’ surveillance satellites. In this conversation with Dagogo Altraide, they reflect and advocate for the possibility of a dark sky future.  This National Science Week event is part of the Sydney Science Festival, presented by Powerhouse.  This…