Rescheduled: City of Darwin Libraries STEAM Zone – Magical Microbiology

New dates after the COVID lockdown. Join us for the National Science Week STEAM Zone where we explore Magical Microbiology. Explore a new miniature world that is all around you, but you can’t see it.  Take a closer look at helpful and harmful bacteria Learn to create a microscope slide Play with giant virus and…

Reschedued: CDU Open Day Nest Box Painting

Rescheduled after the COVID lockdown. Interested in studying environmental science? Visit our stall at CDU Open Day to paint your own bird box and learn about the importance of hollows and habitat for our native wildlife. Free, but registration is essential.

One Health in Remote Communities

AMRRIC are running an education program at two remote schools in the NT in National Science Week. Targeted at both primary and secondary students, the program will introduce the principles of One Health and its importance within remote communities. This will be demonstrated with lessons and activities focusing on the topics of vaccinations and zoonoses,…

Communicating Science Through Games (Online)

Event has been rescheduled to Friday 3 September. Have you ever wanted to explore making games? How about making games with meaning? Share knowledge of your favourite scientific field through your own game. You can tell an interactive story, make an adventure game, or design an AR scavenger hunt –  the choice is yours. You’ll…

Rescheduled: Peculiar Plant Parts

Rescheduled after the COVID lockdown. Domatia, glands, stipules, oil dots, nectaries, latex, lenticels, colleters and tendrils – this workshop will look at some of the less obvious features of native plants. Using microscopes, magnifiers and light tables we will investigate unusual anatomical features of native plants.

Intersections between Science and Art – Engaging Communities – ONLINE TALK Art and Science A Happy Marriage

Art and Science are sometimes viewed as polar opposites – with decision makers often creating false divisions between the essential ‘STEM’ subjects and the whimsical ‘arts’. Join Dr. Bernadette Drabsch, co-presenter of the internationally awarded ‘Drawing Nature, Science and Culture’ online course, who will share her insights into the exciting world of art and science.

Rescheduled: The Science of Beer – What’s the Malternative?

New date confirmed – 4 September. After last year’s hit “At yeast there’ll be beer”, our favourite beer specialists return! Follow their adventures on their new challenge trying to make a “Darwin malt”. Learn the history and science of Malt as they showcase their beer-making process and provide the resulting beer to taste. Following the…

Rescheduled: STEAM Spectacular

New date confirmed – 4 September. The National Science Week STEAM Spectacular will be a family-fun day of workshops and activities for all, where the exciting world of science in the NT will be showcased by schools, researchers and practitioners alike. Test your chemistry skills by making essential oils, become an engineer for a day…