Top-end Stargazers will be partnering with rural and remote schools to deliver a two-way astronomy show. The community will be invited to look at the sky via Top End Star Gazers telescopes and share their knowledge about both traditional and western astronomy. Two 11 inch Celestron tracking telescopes will be used for viewing Mars, Orion…
Archives: Events
New Norfolk High School STEM Expo
New Norfolk High School students will be putting on a STEM bonanza for their primary school peers. This will include 10 rotations of hands-on activities (10mins each) to show impressive scientific and mathematical concepts to approximately ~200 primary school students. Primary school students will come away with gifts made by themselves from the activities alongside…
Exploring Bush Food
During our Term 2 Heal Country project, we started learning about what the land was like prior to European settlement, who lived here and what they ate. With the support of a National Science Week grant, we have incorporated more Indigenous plants that are bush foods into our garden.
Bluff Point Primary School Science Week
A week full of interesting and thought provoking activities designed to look at food sustainability in the future. We will be exploring a waste free future in which we make our own butter and make plastic out of milk. To reduce the 7.3 million tonnes of food that is lost or wasted every year in…
Moriac PS STEM Week
As part of National Science Week we were planning on holding a Family STEM (science, technology, maths and engineering) night which would have involved completing fun STEM activities as a family. There are 3 activities planned – families have the choice to do any, none or all of the activities. The activities are: creating a…
Broughton Anglican College Competitions
Lockdown has resulted in the cancellation of our whole school STEM fair. However, we are still able to run our three National Science Week competitions. Whole school lego competition – build a food Junior school STEM project – based on the Science Week theme design a model, poster or short film. Senior school science week…
Intersections between Science and Art – Engaging Communities
Explore how brain health changes through life, the emerging problem of eco-anxiety, and how our wellbeing is inextricably linked to our environmental footprint through two National Science Week events, ‘Brain’ and ‘Biomes’. These ‘now online’ interactive art science exhibitions and online talks showcase innovative collaborations with artists, technologists, industry and community, creating a genuine and…
The Nymphalidae Family with emphasis on the Satyrinae (Browns) butterflies – Professor Mike Kearney (Uni Melb)
Butterfly Conservation SA is pleased to run an online event for National Science Week focussing on the Nymphalidae, with emphasis on the Satyrinae (Browns) butterflies. The lecture will be given by Professor Mike Kearney, University of Melbourne. The talk is called ‘The response to climate of the Common Brown (Heteronympha merope)’. Butterfly Conservation SA is the…
Young Tassie Scientists: One day School – Gifted and Talented Program
The Young Tassie Scientists bring their passion for science into school classrooms and to science fairs and festivals across Tasmania in celebration of National Science Week. These early-career researchers and PhD candidates volunteer their time to undertake training in science communication, developing interactive presentations suitable for audiences of all ages and backgrounds. The 2021 team…
Meet the Scientist
Have you got a burning question to ask one of our scientists? Mingle with them in the Museum’s galleries. Share some QI moments and draw upon their expertise and passion and be inspired to follow in their footsteps.