An internationally unique marine phenomena occurs from May to August each year, in the cold water of Upper Spencer Gulf Marine Park near Whyalla. This amazing annual event is the aggregation of the Giant Australian Cuttlefish, who migrate to the rocky coastline with one thing on their mind, to breed. The Giant Australian Cuttlefish is…
Archives: Events
Australia’s International Space Race
Australia has always punched above it weight in science, technology & engineering and our foray into the international space race has been no different. With the creation of the Australian Space Agency in 2018 we have only strengthened our position on the global stage, forging new opportunities and allowing us to work more collaboratively across…
Kalgoorlie Primary School Big Watermelon Experiment
Have you ever wondered how many rubber bands it takes to implode a watermelon? Students will utilise predictions, plans, dependent and independent variables, measurements, even a little mathematics to determine how many elastic bands are required to implode a watermelon. The Big Watermelon Experiment is a mass science experiment for all the schools students, that seeks to…
Hervey Bay SHS Food and Science Spectacular
During Friday Recess 1, students will be able to participate in a range of activities from blowing up marshmallows, tasting food made from bugs, milky way swirls and a whole lot more. Participating students will go into the draw to win their very own microscope.
Deakin University – LIVE Panel – Explore Science Careers
Live Panel – Explore Science Careers Meet real scientists and industry professionals studying and working in different areas with years theme Food: Different by Design. Hear about their career journeys as you explore the many jobs available in science and learn about different pathways. Suitable for secondary students and families.
Deakin University – Magical Dancing Popcorn
Create dancing popcorn magic in your kitchen with just two secret pantry ingredients. For this workshop you will need: jar (between pairs / small groups) 500 ml water vinegar popcorn kernels baking soda measuring Spoons/cups science book / writing pad to write predictions and results Suitable for Years 3 – 6.
Deakin University – Backyard Bird Watch & Art
Learn about birds in your own backyard, their different features and how to identify them through drawing and colouring. For this workshop you will need: drawing paper coloured pencils/textas bird field guide (optional) Suitable for Years 3 – 6.
Deakin University – Edible Lolly DNA
Learn how DNA makes individuals unique and contributes to the different traits we express. Have fun creating a visual representation using lollies. For this workshop you will need: toothpicks four different colours of the same lolly for the shorter strands. For example: marshmallows, gummy bears, party lollies. liquorice straps or lolly straps for the larger…
The Winter STEM in the Community Challenge
About the Challenge Fiftysix Creations, with funding from the ACT Government and Inspiring Australia (ACT) Committee ,invites your child or students to participate in the ‘Winter STEM in the Community Challenge’. The Challenge is an interactive, workshop designed to help students aged 8 to 14 years old, explore the world of STEM, creativity and digital…
National Dinosaur Museum Science Week Program
The National Dinosaur Museum is proud to contribute to National Science Week 2021 by hosting a full week of activities and events between 14 – 20 August. Each day there will be a specific topic along with a demonstration or activity, hosted twice daily at 11:30 am and 4:30 pm to accommodate all schedules. Saturday…