Please note: this activity involves participation at home. SciVR will take you on the hunt for things that go boom. We’ll explore the universe and origins of explosions in space, tracking events as they happen with Prof Alan Duffy and Dr Rebecca Allen – astronomers and science communicators at Swinburne University of Technology. New content this…
Archives: Events
Aquaponics is a combination of aquaculture, which is growing fish and other aquatic animals, and hydroponics which is growing plants without soil. Aquaponics uses these two in a symbiotic combination in which plants are fed the aquatic animals’ discharge or waste. In return, the vegetables clean the water that goes back to the fish. Along…
Bendy Bones
Drink plenty of milk for strong bones parents normally told their child(ren). Calcium makes for strong bones. Did you know our maximum calcium absorption occurs roughly around the age of 25? From there, it gradually weakens resulting in our elderly individuals having fragile frames. Anyone watched the movie Fantastic 4 or The Incredibles. The stretchy…
Bouncy Egg
Eggs are fragile especially when dropped. Ever drop an egg and it cracks upon impact? Interestingly enough, eggs can bounce (at certain heights). How can they bounce when they have a hard shell? Simply by removing their shells.
Catapult Into my Mouth
Anyone thought about projectiles and how things are launched? Have you been told that throwing food was frowned upon? Now you have an excuse to do it. The physics of catapults (such as Newton’s Laws of Motion and Energy conservation) will be explained in this event. You may be able to even calculate the energy…
Fudge My Senses
How my influences do our sense contribute to our sense of taste? Ever been told to eat a certain food but you have already determined it is disgusting based on its smell? The sense of smell contributes to a high percentage of our taste, hence when we are sick and have to take medicine, we…
Food Sustainability and Science Showcase at Ridgley Primary School
Ridgley Primary will present 2 sessions showing the science learning from all classes K-6 with the emphasis on food sustainability. Community and family members most welcome.
Plastic Inspection via Teddy Bear Dissection
Come and chop up a Teddy Bear and learn about plastics. Test your knowledge of plastic in the Great Plastics Quiz and learn about its impacts upon seabirds.
Tackling Food Waste: a Tasmanian Perspective
Eight percent of global greenhouse gas emissions come from food waste. Food waste in landfill emits methane, a greenhouse gas 25 times more powerful than carbon dioxide. We have the power to reduce these emissions: 50% of food waste/losses in Australia are at the household level, with household food waste in Australia amounting to $10…
Noticing Nature Walk
Nature Play Tasmania and the Sustainable Learning Centre (SLC) is leading a Noticing Nature Walk, a 2-hour nature play provocation in the bushlands around the SLC. This event is for children aged 0 to 7, accompanied by their parents/carers/grandparents, aimed at engaging children in the science of observation. Children and parents/carers will explore the Bushland…