Giant Rube Goldberg Machine

We will be constructing a student created Rube Goldberg Machine that spans across our school. There will be 3 distinct components for our Prep to Year 2, Year 3 to 4 and Year 5-6, which will be joined together to create one massive machine.  This enrichment activity is providing opportunities for our students to take a…

Sustainable Food and Fibre Fair at Tasman District School

Our students will be engaged in hands on learning opportunities that will be on offer during National Science Week. Throughout the week the 5 primary classes will call on community expertise, speak to and collaborate with high school students on the school farm, seek parent volunteers and share their exciting week through social media and…

Ikuntji Kuula STEM Expo

At the Ikuntji Kuula (Haasts Bluff) STEM Expo there will be a series of STEM-based activities for all the whole community to engage with. The activities are planned to be fun and hands-on where participants can share, explore, problem-solve, investigate, collaborate, learn, and invent. In the lead up to National Science Week, students will undertake…

Bundy High RoadShow

Bundaberg State High School students will travel round to nine primary schools in Bundaberg and deliver a fun and interactive show. Our senior science students will do an exciting show with demonstration of chemistry, physics and biology with displays using dry ice, force and friction, conductivity, pressure, and magnetism. Primary students will get the chance…

Let’s Get Scientific

Moulden Park will have an afternoon where students can become scientists. All classes will participate conducting a variety of experiments, making predictions watching science videos and learning the role that science plays in their everyday lives. Showing them that they are all scientists. Transition students will go on a journey of discovery as they are immersed…

Brain Break – St Francis Xavier Catholic School

We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.

National Science Week at Windaroo State School

All 930 of our students will be involved in a two week long National Science Week celebration of Food – Different By Design. We have secured a life sized fibreglass dairy cow from Dairy Australia. This is being decorated by the students (using mosaic tiles) to highlight the foods we get from the dairy industry….

Our Deadly Science

Australia’s First Nations Peoples have the longest continuing culture on Earth, passing on the lessons of land, sea and sky to future scientists through stories, song and dance. As the 2021 Sydney Science Festival Ambassador, Corey Tutt will deliver a keynote address celebrating the breadth and depth of knowledge of our first scientists – from…

Southern Sky Livestream

As the 2021 Sydney Science Festival draws to a close, we bid our inaugural Astronomy Ambassador Karlie Noon farewell on a livestreamed final stroll through the cosmos, featuring a tour of her favourite astronomical objects combining both Western and Indigenous understandings of the sky. Join Karlie as she travels light-years away to explore the late winter,…

Pandemics – Past, Present and Future

Against the backdrop of the devastating coronavirus – hypothesised as ‘Disease X’ by World Health Organisation epidemiologists long before its arrival – our formidable panel of virus experts will examine learnings from past pandemics and how they have shaped the society we live in today. They will also discuss the ways in which scientists are…