The Disordered Cosmos with Chandra Prescod-Weinstein

American cosmologist and activist Professor Chanda Prescod-Weinstein will appear via video link in a conversation facilitated by Sydney Observatory Astronomy Ambassador Karlie Noon. Prescod-Weinstein will introduce the audience to her debut book, The Disordered Cosmos: A Journey into Dark Matter, Spacetime, & Dreams Deferred (2021). She will also talk about her spectacular career trajectory from starry-eyed child…

National Science Week Day of Celebration at St John’s

St John’s School will come together with a fun-filled day of hands-on STEM activities. Younger and older students will work in mixed-age groups exploring the theme: Food- Different by Design. In the International Year of Fruit and Vegetables, students step into the kitchen to see how much goodness they can pack into their very own…

Earth Science Incursions at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic College (Traeger Campus)

Australian Earth Science Education (AusEarthEd) is offering free, hands-on, incursions across a range of earth science topics to schools in Alice Springs during National Science Week as part of our (PALMS Program). AusEarthEd has recently expanded into the Northern Territory after 15+ years of Earth Science and STEM education support in WA. During the incursions…

Earth Science Incursions at Ross Park Primary School

Australian Earth Science Education (AusEarthEd) is offering free, hands-on incursions across a range of earth science topics to schools in Alice Springs during National Science Week as part of our (PALMS Program). AusEarthEd has recently expanded into the Northern Territory after 15+ years of Earth Science and STEM education support in WA. During the incursions…

Collingwood College Science Afternoon

Students and families in Year 2 to 8 are invited to join us for an afternoon of hands-on activities exploring the science and technology behind our food. Learn about indigenous food to Australia, create a fishing net, make plastic out of milk, learn how our food waste can be turned into methane for cooking and…

Gadgets, Dreams and Dilemmas

Jaron Lanier is a pioneering American technologist best known as one of the founders of ‘virtual reality’ (VR) – a term he coined. As part of the 2021 Sydney Science Festival, he will appear via video link in a conversation facilitated by the Museum’s Acting Director of Curatorial, Collections and Exhibitions, Matthew Connell. Lanier will…

Can’t Meditate? Find other ways to manage your stress

Interest in meditation and mindfulness as ways to reduce stress have exploded in popularity. They are great tools to have in your mental health toolkit. But what if these techniques don’t work for you? For some, trying to control your mind with your mind is a bit like trying to hold on to mist. Join…

Become a Citizen Scientist: Help solve search engine secrets

Do search engines influence us more than we think? Help us audit their recommendations by joining our citizen science initiative. The Australian Search Experience project investigates whether users search results are customised based on the profiles search engines define for us. The project is being conducted by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making…

Sydney Science Trail

The Sydney Science Trail is back to celebrate National Science Week. The Sydney Science Trail is presented by The Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney, and the Australian Museum. The program, exploring the theme Food: Different by Design, will celebrate food, science, and sustainability through a wide range of activities. Sydney Science Trail: Online returns with an entirely…

Scientastic Fantastic Makerspace

Establishing an organised and well-resourced makerspace area in the school to provide the students and teachers with the hands on equipment required to design, problem solve and make during STEM lessons. Students will complete tasks during National Science Week to design and make an Environmentally friendly package for food and bridge building. Parents will be…