The EA Southee PS STEAM Challenge will be for the students from EA Southee from Kindergarten to Year 6. Students will participate in a range of STEAM Challenges including building bridges, designing and making a zipline, Sphero battlebots, building a throne from newspaper and tape. Students will work in mixed age groups and will learn…
Archives: Events
Mercedes College Science Week
Mercedes College will focus on our unique position as a school in the heart of the CBD for National Science Week. We will focus on two challenges in the city, homelessness and waste with its associated pests. Firstly, students will be given the challenge to devise food solutions for people without traditional methods of food…
Lutheran Ormeau River District School Science Week
Students will participate in a range of science activities and challenges throughout the week. Some of these activities includes: Guest speakers Science shows Solar power car race Building challenges using electrical circuits. Making science movies using stop animation
Virtually Marine Mammals – Burrunan in our Backyards
With an estimated 55 different species, Australian waters are home to an incredible diversity of marine mammals, including the newly discovered and critically endangered Burrunan dolphin. In this exciting online presentation, join the Marine Mammal Foundation as we explore the incredible diversity of marine mammals found in our watery backyards. Learn about the ecology of…
Travelling Bee Roadshow
One hour long interactive session with students from neighbouring primary schools to provide education around the importance of native bees. Students will BEE amazed as they learn why native bees are so important in our Australian Ecosystem. They will BEE able to observe a working hive first-hand and view the have activity and interaction via…
Virtually Marine Mammals – Dive into Burrunan Dolphin Research
The Marine Mammal Foundation is a not-for-profit research, education and conservation organisation undertaking applied research on marine mammals across Victoria, including the critically endangered Burrunan dolphin. The Marine Mammal Foundation invites you to join us as we provide exciting updates for our ongoing research and conservation endeavours. Through this online presentation we will provide information about Project…
OzHarvest CEO & Founder Ronni Kahn AO school webinar: food waste and how this feeds climate change
Join OzHarvest CEO & Founder, Ronni Kahn AO this National Science Week for a school webinar to learn about how our food choices impact climate change, and the role we can play to create a sustainable future. This webinar and Q&A is suitable for upper primary and high school audiences. Food waste is a global issue and a major contributor…
Disco Fruit – Different by Design
The week will consist of individual year level classroom based investigations involving students from Transition to Year 6. Students will engage with hands on investigations and experiments that demonstrate how fruits and vegetables are naturally different by design. Students will participate in investigating cross cut sections of fruits and vegetables that may appear outwardly similar…
The precious medical supplies urgently needed have fallen from the supply plane and crashed into the dense jungle below! Retrieving them will not be easy. That is why we have called upon you. Only someone with your skillset and talent will have a chance to succeed at this mission. Your mission is to clear and secure…
Let’s Zoom!
Cool Aeronautics, the Royal Aeronautical Society’s STEM outreach program are coming to the Town of Victoria Park library to teach us how to the theory of flight and how to design and build your own aeroplanes. Once you have built your aeroplane you can use the Cool Aeronautics launcher to launch your aeroplane and watch…