Brain Break – Marryatville Primary School

We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.

Cochlear Aurora Science Photo Contest

The Aurora Science Photo Contest is for schoolgirls to get them to think about everyday science through photography. This contest is an alternative way to engage female school students with science to make them aware of science in everyday life. Flinders University’s 2021 Cochlear Aurora Photo Contest is now open, offering cash prizes to reward young female…

Science Week @ The Hub – Spice Club

Spice up your cooking with the Hub’s Spice Club. Join the club to collect a range of different and unusual spices and recipe cards, tune into our Facebook page to see cooking videos with ideas on how to use the spices, and find out all sorts of fun facts about where spices came from and their weird…

Settlers Primary School Science Week Spectacular

Every student in our school from Kindergarten to Year 6 will participate in tabloid style hands-on science activities throughout National Science Week. Each year group participates on one day during science week and will be immersed in a series of tabloid style activities in small groups, where they will be challenged by a variety of…

Brain Break – St Francis Xavier

We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.

Brain Break – St Joseph’s Primary Catholic School

We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.

Brain Break – Port Lincoln Library

We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.